Older News
First Communion Registration - St. Andrew Parish
Children in Grade Two, Three or Four seeking First Communion on 2023 must be registered for our preparation program by Oct. 29 at a one-hour parent-only meeting in the parish hall.
Because of the numbers expected, please reply soon and let us know which meeting you will attend and you will be sent advance information: sacraments.schoolage@gmail.com
FALL PARENT MEETING (parents only) in the St. Monica Parish Hall, 2080 Merivale Road.
Tuesday, Oct. 4 @ 7:30 PM Thursday, Oct. 6 @ 7:30 PM
Wednesday, Oct. 12 @ 7:30 PM Thursday Oct. 13 @ 7:30 PM
Saturday, Oct. 20 @ 10:00 AM Thursday, Oct. 20 @ 7:30 PM
Please select and attend only ONE of the above meetings in order to register your child.
St Andrew Mass - RE-OPENING SUN. OCT. 2
With your help, we will be able to celebrate Sunday Mass at St. Joseph High School beginning Sun. Oct. 2. At first, there will be one Mass, at 11:00am, with set-up beginning at 9:30am. As the community becomes more able to gather in larger numbers, we can consider adding a second Mass.
A significant number of those whose former dedication to preparing the gym for Mass are no longer able to continue or must cut back their participation. Accordingly, we need new people to take up this task.
“Set-up” involves putting out chairs, the Altar, Pulpit, sound system, projector, a few tables and the like. “Take-down” after Mass is faster; we simply put everything away so that the gym is ready for school use.
‘Many hands make light work’, cuts down the time needed and allows us to have alternating teams. As before, some of the Confirmation candidates will be on teams (supervised by their parents) to assist with this work.
Many, but not all, those involved in the liturgical ministries - sacristans, readers, ministers of communion, choirs, ushers - are returning, so we need volunteers for these roles as well. In particular, the Children’s Liturgy program will need new people.
To assist with set-up / take-down, contact Liem Nguyen (h.liem.n@gmail.com) or Janice Pilgrim (secretary@saintandrewparish.ca). For the liturgical ministries, contact your co-ordinator or Janice Pilgrim (secretary@saintandrewparish.ca). Of course, any time you arrive early or don’t need to rush away, you can pitch in.
We all look forward to once more gathering together around the Table of Lord.
Fr. Frank Brewer pastor